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CALL US TODAY · 860-414-2251                                                                      OFFERING IV THERAPY SERVICES THROUGHOUT CT SINCE 2019


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What is Vitamin Deficiency?

Making sure your body has its daily recommended values of vitamins and minerals is essential to your health—and studies show that the majority of Americans are deficient in critical vitamins, making them more susceptible to health issues including memory loss, vision loss, and compromised immune systems. With IV therapy, you can rapidly boost your body’s vitamin levels, giving it the support it needs to function, so you can always feel your best. At LIVation in Madison, CT, we offer a variety of IV therapy solutions to address a wide range of concerns and needs, all administered by licensed medical professionals in a comfortable and relaxing environment.


Vitamins that you may be deficient in

According to a recent study, nearly half of the U.S. population has an inadequacy of vitamin C and vitamin E, more than 80 percent are deficient in vitamin E, and an alarming 95 percent lack enough vitamin D in their systems. While not quite as severe, the vitamin B and vitamin K levels of many Americans can also use improvement.

  • Vitamin A: Deficiencies in vitamin A levels have been named a public health issue by the World Health Organization in more than half of the countries around the world, especially in women and children. Vitamin A is important to your body’s immunity and vision, reproductive health, and skin function.
  • Vitamin D: Almost 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in vitamin D. This vitamin is essential to the formation and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth, which becomes even more important as we age.
  • Vitamin E: Only 20 percent of the global population has the optimal vitamin E levels. Vitamin E may help prevent or delay heart disease as well as protecting and strengthening the immune system. It’s also a powerful antioxidant, which means it combats free radicals that contribute to major chronic diseases, including cardiovascular and inflammatory conditions.
  • Vitamin K: Vitamin K deficiencies are especially common in those who have digestive health issues, especially Crohn’s and celiac diseases. Vitamin K is essential to the formation of blood clots, preventing excessive bleeding and supporting wound healing. 
  • Vitamin C: While a true vitamin C deficiency—also known as scurvy—is rare in the United States, levels of many Americans are not at their best. Vitamin C supports proper immune function, helping your body prevent infection and heal better.
  • Vitamin B: There are many forms of vitamin B, all of which are important to your body’s function. They’re most frequently found in meat and dairy products, making vegetarians and vegans most susceptible to a vitamin B deficiency. Each form of vitamin B offers its own properties and benefits:
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): Helps support the brain, nervous system, muscles, heart, and digestive system; promotes the flow of electrolytes within the body
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): Helps break down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to give energy to the body
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin): Supports the enzymes that convert food into energy, helps make and repair DNA, and provides free radical defense
  • Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid): Helps form sex and stress-related hormones as well as red blood cells, converts food into blood sugar
  • Vitamin B6 (pyroxidine): Supports brain function and mental wellness
  • Vitamin B7 (biotin): Helps break down your food into energy, balances blood sugar, promotes healthier hair, skin, and nails, essential to fetal development
  • Vitamin B9 (folate): Supports the production of red and white blood cells, converts carbohydrates into energy, supports cell growth and development, can help prevent birth defects
  • Vitamin B12 (cobalamin): Develops and maintains the nervous system, helps DNA formation, reduces risk of pregnancy complications

How Does Vitamin Deficiency Occur?

Vitamin deficiencies are fairly common, with the primary cause being simple: not getting enough vitamins in your daily diet. With a busy lifestyle, it can be hard to eat well or enough, relying on fast, processed, and unhealthy foods rather than nutritious options like dark, leafy greens, fruit, and lean proteins. Existing health conditions, prescription medications, and your age can also play a role.

Causes of deficiencies: 

When managing a vitamin deficiency, it’s important to take a look at your daily habits, lifestyle, and medical history to find any gaps in your regimen that could be to blame for your lack of nutrients. Common causes can include:

  • Diets lacking in full nutrition and vitamins, including vegan and vegetarian diets, gluten-free diets, and those high in processed foods
  • Not eating enough
  • Inadequate sun exposure
  • Medical issues that can prevent vitamin absorption, including Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and malabsorption syndrome
  • Conditions like liver failure, kidney disease, and alcoholic liver disease
  • Gastric bypass surgery
  • Pregnancy
  • Aging

Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiency

A vitamin deficiency can present in multiple ways, from subtle to severe. Common signs of vitamin deficiency include brittle hair and nails, dull skin, chronic fatigue, depressed mood, bruising easily, inadequate wound healing, weakened immune system, and bone fractures. At LIVation in Madison, Connecticut, we offer a variety of vitamin infusion options via IV therapy to help restore proper vitamin levels to your bloodstream. 

Tiredness & Fatigue

Being tired or experiencing occasional fatigue is normal for those living busy lives, but if you’re perpetually exhausted, that could be a sign of vitamin deficiency. Frequently, fatigue is caused by vitamin B deficiency and vitamin D deficiency. 

LIVation Rebound vitamin infusion contains a blend of these vitamins and more to help you restore your energy levels. It’s great for an everyday boost, but is also an excellent IV therapy choice to book the morning after a late night out. 

  • Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6) and vitamin B12: Essential to cellular energy
  • Vitamin C: Supports concentration and memory
  • Magnesium: An essential mineral found in every cell in the body and required for the production of cellular energy
  • Calcium: Promotes muscle performance and nerve signaling


While fatigue can be caused by vitamin deficiencies, it can also be due to dehydration, including chronic dehydration. Signs of dehydration include dizziness and confusion, dry skin and mouth, sunken eyes, and a rapid heartbeat. 

Our signature
Replenish IV therapy treatment is a simple saline solution full of rehydrating electrolytes, which go a long way towards combating dehydration. However, you can also customize your IV therapy treatment with added vitamins for further defense against dehydration. 

  • Electrolytes sodium and chloride: Regulates water levels in the body

Weakened Immune System

Having a vitamin deficiency can make it challenging for your immune system to fight off infections and diseases, which is especially dangerous for members of high risk populations, including the elderly and those with autoimmune conditions. The LIVation Guardian helps support immune function with a blend of essential vitamins. It’s helpful all year, but especially during cold and flu season. 

  • Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6) and vitamin B12: Helps regulate immune cell function, make new red blood cells, and transport oxygen throughout the body
  • Vitamin C: Supports white blood cell activity
  • Zinc: Mineral that works to fight off infection and bacteria

Dry Skin & Hair Loss

Weak, brittle hair, hair fall and loss, soft and easily broken fingernails, as well as dull, dry, sallow skin are all common signs of vitamin deficiency. Supporting your hair, skin, and nails with beauty products can only go so far—to help strengthen and nourish them, you’ll need to support them from the inside out. LIVation’s Venus IV therapy is a powerful vitamin infusion to boost the nutrient levels needed to support your natural beauty. 

  • Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6) and B12 (biotin): Supports healthy skin and stronger hair and nails

Lightheadedness & Nausea

Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting caused by morning sickness, stomach bugs, or other illnesses can take a horrible toll on your daily wellbeing, making it nearly impossible to get through the day. Our Stomach Flu IV therapy treatment features a blend of vitamins and medications that can help restore critical nutrients so you can feel much better ASAP.

  • Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6): Low levels of vitamin B can cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting
  • Vitamin C: Can improve symptoms of nausea and lightheadedness, including those caused by vertigo
  • Famotidine (generic form of Pepcid): Combats indigestion and acid reflux
  • Ondansetron (generic form of Zofran): Prevents nausea and vomiting, including those caused by radiation treatment


Brain Fog, Memory Loss, Depression, and Mood Imbalances

Stress, a poor work/life balance, lack of sleep, and too much screen time has made brain fog and memory loss more common than ever. These factors can also significantly affect our mood, resulting in irritability, loss of energy, and hopelessness. All of these symptoms can be exacerbated by vitamin D deficiency and vitamin B deficiency, as well as a sign of oxidative stress or inflammation in the brain. A powerful ally in your fight against brain fog and related issues is glutathione. 

Glutathione is not a vitamin, but rather a blend of amino acids that make a powerful antioxidant, fighting off oxidative stress to reduce its effects on the brain and supporting mental wellness. The
LIVation Glutathione IV therapy treatment is packed with this critical nutrient to help support brain health and function and promote mental acuity and balance.

  • Glutathione: Plays an essential role in the body’s defense system and limits cellular damage, especially in the brain

Slow Recovery Times

While maintaining a solid fitness routine is important, supporting muscle recovery is just as crucial. Working out actually damages your muscle cells and increases inflammation in the body. Ironically, regularly working out reduces overall inflammation in addition to promoting muscle strength, fat loss, improved cardiovascular health, and providing more benefits. But it’s exercise recovery that allows your body to reap the maximum rewards from working out. 

In addition to getting proper rest and cross-training, you can help accelerate your recovery time with the LIVation Atlas vitamin infusion. It’s fortified with a potent blend of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to help you recover faster, strengthen your muscles, and boost your energy levels.

  • Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6) and vitamin B12: Promotes red blood cell production, muscle growth, and endurance
  • Vitamin C: Helps reduce muscle soreness, repair tissues, retain muscle mass, and supports immune function
  • Amino acid blend (glutamine, ornithine, arginine, lysine HCL, citrulline, levocarnitine): Works to minimize muscle soreness and damage, promote muscle strength, and decrease fat synthesis
  • Essential minerals (magnesium chloride, zinc, manganese, copper gluconate, sodium selenite): Works to support muscle repair, reduce inflammation, and boost energy


How To Find Out If You’re Vitamin Deficient

If you suspect you’re dealing with a vitamin deficiency, managing it on your own may not help. Multivitamins only go so far to optimize your vitamin levels, and most patients need tailored regimens consisting of individual supplements targeting specific vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. If eating better isn’t possible or you haven’t seen a change in how you’re feeling from consuming more nutritious foods, it’s time to see a medical professional for guidance. We recommend starting with the below steps.

Take an at-home nutrient test to assess any vitamin deficiencies.

You can order an at-home test to evaluate any nutrient and vitamin deficiencies online. These work by submitting a saliva sample, which will then be tested by a lab. They’re reasonably effective, but often expensive, and may not provide the right guidance for your unique needs.

Blood tests to diagnose deficiencies.

The best way to get an accurate picture of your vitamin levels is to get your blood tested with the help of a medical professional, who can prescribe lab testing of specific nutrients and vitamins in your blood that are tailored to your specific concerns. From there, you can work with the team at LIVation to analyze your results and get a bespoke supplement and vitamin infusion regimen to help get your vitamin levels to the right place.

Identifying and interpreting symptoms to your provider

While we don’t recommend trying to figure out which of your symptoms correlates to a specific vitamin deficiency—that’s best left to your provider—it is helpful to keep track of how you’re feeling and when. For example, if you feel especially fatigued after working out or are noticing hair loss after a stressful event, you can provide these details to your medical care team, who can use this information to analyze your full panel blood test, determine what you need, and help restore your vitamin levels via both oral supplements and IV therapy. 


IV Therapy Can Benefit Those with Vitamin Deficiency

While oral supplements are helpful for daily maintenance, they will not “cure” a vitamin deficiency on their own. Much of an oral supplement is processed by the body before it enters the bloodstream, so you’re only getting around half of its efficacy (and that’s true of even the highest-quality supplements). Getting IV therapy at LIVation is a fast, easy way to boost the levels of vitamins and nutrients in your bloodstream through an intravenous delivery system. These vitamin infusions can fit into the busiest routines—they can be received on a lunch break!—and deliver a concentrated dose of nutrients to combat vitamin deficiencies at the source.

At LIVation, IV therapy can:

  • Replenish depleted vitamin levels
  • Quickly and effectively improve symptoms of specific vitamin deficiencies
  • Provide rapid relief and rejuvenation
  • Support your immune system, energy levels, and wellness
  • Deliver a customized vitamin infusion to address your unique needs and goals


What To Expect During A IV Therapy Treatment at LIVation

  1. After checking in for your appointment, you’ll have a free IV therapy consultation with one of our skilled medical providers to discuss your medical history, concerns, and goals. 
  2. The LIVation team will create a personalized treatment plan based on your symptoms and specific health objectives.
  3. You’ll then begin your IV therapy session. These appointments can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on your vitamin infusion and treatment method, and are conducted in a supervised and comfortable setting. 
  4. Immediately after your IV therapy session, you’ll begin to experience the benefits of your vitamin infusion and may feel an improvement to your health and wellbeing. 
  5. You can then schedule a follow-up appointment with our team of providers, who will monitor and document your progress. Additional sessions may be recommended based on your health and wellness goals.


Schedule Your Free IV Therapy Consultation With LIVation

Ready to start your journey towards feeling like your best self? Contact us at LIVation in Madison, Connecticut today to book your consultation for IV therapy today.

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Discover the regenerative nature of LIVation's exosome treatments in CT. Unveiling the truth behind 'the new PRP,' our latest blog explains exosome therapy's safety and efficacy. Dive into the science with us and book your next session to improve your wellness journey.
27 Jan, 2024
There’s a reason everyone’s talking about semaglutide—it changes lives. This weekly shot helps people shed excess weight, manage blood sugar, and reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and complications, all of which help patients live fuller, more rewarding lives. Semaglutide weight loss shots have been an invaluable tool at LIVation in supporting our patients’ health and wellness journeys and one of our most popular treatments. But what happens after you stop taking semaglutide, whether it’s compounded semaglutide or a brand name product like Ozempic or Wegovy? A lot of people believe that you have to stay on semaglutide for the rest of your life, and while some people may need to or want to, you can certainly stop taking it. However, there is a risk that you could gain weight. Discontinuing semaglutide will cause your brain and body to revert to how it originally responded to food, and if you’re not prepared, you may fall back into bad habits. Here, we share our tips for maintaining weight loss after stopping semaglutide—and remember, the team at LIVation is here to help you every step of the way. Understanding Post-Ozempic Weight Dynamics Semaglutide helps people lose weight by making them feel fuller faster and longer than they normally would without the drug. It also helps curb cravings. As you taper off, you may find that cravings return and you’ll feel the need to eat more in order to feel full. If semaglutide was helping you manage your blood sugar, ceasing taking it will mean your blood sugar won’t be regulated. For many people, these changes can cause rebound weight gain, with some gaining all of the weight, if not more, that they lost when taking semaglutide. Understanding these changes are the first step towards maintaining the results you achieved with the help of semaglutide. Holistic Weight Management Strategies Beyond Semaglutide To help maintain your semaglutide weight loss, there are some critical steps to take. And while we know you’ve likely heard this your whole life, staying hydrated is essential to weight loss. The most obvious reason for this is that drinking water can help you feel fuller, which may help prevent you from overeating or drinking excess liquid calories (like soda or other sugary drinks). But drinking water can do so much more than that. Water is key to your body’s ability to metabolize fat, whether that’s stored fat or fat found in food and drink. Studies show that drinking more water can increase your rate of weight loss. Drinking water also helps your body clear waste, including toxins that are filtered by and held in the kidneys. When your body is dehydrated, your kidneys retain fluid. You may also face issues with constipation, or experience bloating. Flushing your body by consuming enough water can help you shed weight caused by waste retention. You may be wondering how electrolytes play a role in body hydration. Electrolytes are important nutrients that help control fluid balance in your body, support muscle contractions, and even support your blood sugar. Those people who struggle to drink enough water or get enough nutrients in their diet when taking semaglutide (which is not uncommon, as those taking semaglutide consume less overall) may have depleted electrolyte levels, which can result in nausea, fatigue, cognitive issues, blood pressure fluctuations, heart concerns, and more. At LIVation, we offer LMNT electrolyte powder packets in a variety of flavors to mix into water before drinking, which will help to instantly boost your body’s electrolyte levels and restore balance in your body. You should also be maintaining a consistent exercise routine. Doing this while taking semaglutide was important because without strength training, the shrinking number you see on the scale could be due to muscle loss, not just fat loss. Muscle burns more calories than fat and can only be gained through strength training. If you lose too much muscle and don’t build it up with resistance training, you’ll burn fewer calories—and if you’re trying to control an insatiable appetite after quitting semaglutide, this can make it easy to put the weight back on. Integrating Emsculpt NEO in Your Post-Ozempic Regimen In addition to following a consistent workout routine to build muscle, you can try Emsculpt NEO , a go-to treatment of our patients at LIVation. Emsculpt is an innovative device powered by radiofrequency and muscle-stimulating technology that helps grow muscle while burning fat. This treatment can be used on the abs, glutes, thighs, arms, and more areas to counteract muscle loss, which will support your body’s ability to burn calories and promote lasting weight loss as well as enhance the results of your weight loss from semaglutide. Combining Semaglutide with Nutritional Guidance at LIVation Beyond fitness and hydration, following a healthy diet is the most important aspect of maintaining weight loss. Because semaglutide helps to control cravings and prevent overeating, it can be challenging to stick to your goals and eat things that supply your body with essential nutrients rather than junk food.  Figuring out how to eat without the help of semaglutide can be one of the greatest challenges our patients face after stopping the drug. We urge you to rely on us! At LIVation, our licensed medical providers can work with you to create a nutritional plan to ensure your body is getting the vitamins and minerals it needs without overdoing it. That plan may include lean proteins, leafy greens, and complex carbohydrates, depending on your dietary restrictions. We formulate our compounded semaglutide with amino acid l-carnitine. This nutrient helps your body convert fatty acids into energy. We often recommend that our semaglutide patients supplement their injections with oral l-carnitine. Following this regimen is even more important once getting off semaglutide. We sell D esigns For Health Carnitine Synergy, which combines l-carnitine with another form known as acetyl-l-carnitine, which supports brain health and function. The Role of Personalized IV Therapy in Weight Maintenance As mentioned, keeping your body hydrated greatly facilitates weight loss, whether you’re on semaglutide or off. LIVation’s origins are in IV therapy and integrating regular IV drips into your wellness routine are a great way to support the results of your weight loss from semaglutide. Our signature IV infusion therapy options will flood your body with hydration as well as vitamins, minerals, and more nutrients to help your body function at its peak. Talk to our providers about how custom IV therapy can help you maintain your weight loss after taking Ozempic, Wegovy, or compounded semaglutide. Maintenance Doses of Semaglutide Everyone needs a little boost now and again. If you find yourself falling into old patterns or are struggling to manage your weight during a challenging period in your life, there’s no shame in visiting us for a maintenance dose. Many of LIVation’s semaglutide patients—as well as our founders!—choose to get semaglutide weight loss shots every few weeks rather than every week. This keeps low levels of the drug in your system, which still helps reduce your cravings and keep you feeling fuller longer, but won’t create as strong of an effect as a weekly dose would. LIVation's Approach to Affordable, Long-Term Health Solutions At our clinic on the Connecticut shoreline, we offer a variety of health and wellness treatments to help our patients look and feel their best. We welcome you to c ontact us today to learn how we can support you on your journey and help you achieve your goals.
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